Living Life with a Glass Overflowing!

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Living Life with a Glass Overflowing!

To say Jeremy Parks, is the epitome of a People Person is the definition of an understatement! Jeremy works at Furniture Options in Business Development. He's a regular in our Wichita office, but makes the rounds to our other cities as often as possible. He's one of the people who brings out all the cool FO promo "stuff" to our apartment communities. He's the one who will dress up like a train on Halloween or a happy go lucky Leprechaun on St. Patrick's day to bring a smile to your face.

Be the type of person you want to meet

"Be the type of person you want to meet"

Jeremy is active with the AAGA (Apartment Association of Greater Wichita). He participates on several committees including the Emerging Leaders committee and helps plan and promote events for the up-and-coming industry professionals to learn and network with each other. Jeremy believes if you surround yourself with great minds and leaders, it can only help improve you. He also has a very optimistic outlook on life and shares a secret to his success: positive attitudes can yield positive results. Smiling and being friendly is part of being positive but it’s also about building relationships, following up, and showing that you genuinely care.

Jeremy is active with the AAGA

In his down time, Jeremy coaches men’s gymnastics and he stresses the importance of being at the top ofyour game at every practice. Whenever he walks through the gym doors, all the hardships of the day melt away and he’s focused. He teaches this to his students because having an off day due to illness, bad attitudes, or lack of focus can potentially cause major injuries. It’s all about a good attitude and being engaged; mind and body.

Jeremy is a glass overflowing kind of a guy. He encourages everyone to appreciate the little things in life that make you happy. Whether it’s slurping hot soup on a cold night, doing the moonwalk in your socks or just remembering how lucky you are to be here right now, everything counts. He believes we should all try to help make this world a happier place for each other.

You can't keep from smiling when Jeremy is around and Furniture Options is very lucky to have him as one of our employee owners.

Excerpts taken from AAGA December 2014 newsletter

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